TransLution Selector for Touch Screen
We have moved the external TL Selector application to the touch screen product allowing the flexibility of TL Selector to be used on the shop floor. In addition to the product now being embedded and licensed with TransLution there have been some new features added and various enhancements have been made.
We now allow various columns to be modified on the grid and that data to be used in vb code for the purposes of report printing or label generation. We also now allow the visible data in the grid to be automatically filtered when the form is opened based on the current active user ID and the grid lines now support colours based on a line status field. The grid also supports different lines colours depending on the status of the line allowing it to be used much more easily to alert users to problems or highlight issues that need addressing.
We have also seen that users frequently use the TL Selector grid purely to display information and not for user interaction – we have allowed the search options to be hidden in these cases making the grid portion correspondingly larger.