FEATURE: Improving Availability of SYSPRO Pooled Operators using TransLution™
Since the release of TransLution™ V5.4 it is possible to configure a pool of SYSPRO Operators and TransLution™ will use the first available operator to do the required SYSPRO post. This allows for far more scalability than in the past when a fixed operator was used for all posts of a certain type.
One occurrence when using pooled operators is that if for some reason a logoff fails, that operator may be marked as “in use” to the system, thereby making the pool of available operators smaller. If this happens two or three times, eventually it may affect the ability of the software to do the required posts if it sees some or all of the pooled operators as unavailable.
To overcome this, we have introduced a sweeper that runs at a fixed interval to confirm that operators marked “in use” are, in fact, actively being used to post to SYSPRO. If not, the operator is freed up and marked as available again. While it has always been possible to do this manually, this automated background processes frees up users from monitoring these operators. This option is enabled simply by checking the Clear Syspro Logon function on the Service Settings menu in EazyTouch.