The two key changes to TransLution™ in 4.3 are that we have made the ability to manipulate complex barcodes significantly easier than before. Now if you have a barcode with for example, stock code, lot number and quantity in a single barcode, it is possible to define the various pieces of the barcodes and even to perform actions on one or more of the elements directly from the configurator using our simply step maintenance forms.
Archive: June 2017
Rosh Pinah selects TransLution™ Software to help manage spares and consumables
Rosh Pinah, one of the largest and most important lead and zinc mines in Namibia, elected Afrisoft to help lay the foundation for long-term plans for managing spares and consumables in its mining operation.
Afrisoft elected to implement TransLution™ Software in phases, first creating a system that prints a range of barcode labels for Bins, Bulk Bins and products as they are received. All labels are printed as 2D barcodes, allowing significantly more information to be embedded in the label than a standard barcode.